For daily absences, parents/guardians can submit an excuse note (via email) within five (5) business days of the absence.
Please send the note from the email account that is associated with your ParentVue account.
The email must contain the student's full name, the date of the absence(s), the reason for the absence, and the parent or guardian signature and phone number.Cases in which notes are not received within five (5) days will be referred to your child's administrator. Excuses are not accepted by telephone.
Please submit emails to your child's Administrative Assistant. Refer to the "Alpha" order below to identify your contact person.
Alpha (A-CAR): Ms. Katelyn Manetta - [email protected]
Alpha (CAS-HAMI): Mrs. Lindsey McKenzie - [email protected]
Alpha (HAMJ-McR): Mrs. Claudia Vela - [email protected]
Alpha (MD-RODN): Ms. Connor Sadler - [email protected]
Alpha (RODO-Z): Mrs. Dena Covington - C[email protected]
When school is in session (and students are attending in person):
Students requesting an Early Dismissal must present a hand-written note to the Attendance Office before 7:30 a.m. on the day of the dismissal. Notes dropped off after 7:30 a.m. will not be processed, and the student will not be authorized to leave school. The note must contain the student's full name, the date of the early dismissal, the reason for the early dismissal, the time of the early dismissal, a statement that the student will be picked up or drive himself or herself, and the authorized signature.
Early dismissals may also be done by email (email addresses are listed above). Please note that email responses may take longer, particularly around the lunch periods, so please plan accordingly.
Adults picking up students should park in a visitor's space, check in at the front desk inside the main entrance. Bring a current, valid photo ID.
All absences for extenuating circumstances must be prearranged through the student's administrator at least five (5) days in advance of absence. Such factors as the impact of the absence on the student's academic progress and the educational value of the absence will be considered in determining whether a prearranged absence will be approved or unapproved.
Reasons considered excused:
- Illness of the student
- Medical appointments
- Court (subpoena or summons must be presented to school)
- Religious observance
- Death in the immediate family
- Visiting a sick relative in the hospital
- Pre-approved college visits (only applicable to seniors)
- Approved prearranged absences
- Assistance with sick or injured family member
Every effort should be made to schedule appointments after school hours and family vacations over school breaks.
Reasons considered unexcused
- Waking up late, broken alarm clock, oversleeping, or similar
- Car problems
- Missing the bus
- Finishing homework or project
- Babysitting
- Trips to the airport
- Family discussions
- Unexplained family emergencies
When school is in session (and students are attending in person):
After 7:30 a.m. students should report directly to the Attendance Office. If the student has a dated, signed note from a parent/guardian with a valid excuse, he/she will receive an excused pass. This pass must then be shown to the student's teacher to be admitted to class. If the student does not bring a written valid note, he/she must still report to the Attendance Office/Tardy Table to receive an unexcused tardy pass to be admitted to class.
A student has two days to submit a written explanation for an excused tardy. A student is considered unexcused unless a signed excuse is brought from the parent/guardian and presented to the Attendance Office.
Examples of an excused tardy:
- All items for excusing absences as listed in the previous section
- Emergency situations arising from unusual weather conditions
- Arriving on a late bus
Examples of an unexcused tardy:
- Oversleeping
- Missed bus/ride
- Car trouble
- Traffic
If your child is truant from school or you have questions concerning state attendance compliance laws, please email our school's Truancy Officer (Mrs. Judge) at [email protected]