
Cells in the form of the Cancer


These are guidelines to follow when the school/School Age Child Care (SACC) is informed of the presence of a student with a cancer diagnosis.
  1. Modern advanced technologies allow the students with cancer to attend school/SACC. Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS)/SACC, with parental permission and medical guidance from the Cancer Care Plan will:
    1. Focus on maintaining wellness and normalcy of the academic and social aspects of the student's transition back to school.
    2. Address medical management of the student while at school/SACC.
  2. To properly care for a student diagnosed with cancer in the school setting/SACC the following must occur:
    1. A Cancer Care Plan must be completed yearly by a licensed health care provider (see Attachment I).
    2. At least three school staff/child care contractors (CCC) members shall be trained on the specifics of the student's Cancer Care Plan.
    3. A Medication Authorization form must be completed by the health care provider and signed by the parent/guardian prior to staff/CCC administering medications. Refer to Regulation 757-4, "Administering Medication."
    4. Students with a Cancer Care Plan are not required to have a Health Treatment Procedure or Emergency Treatment Plan as described in Regulation 757-3, "Guidelines for School Staff/Child Care Contractor (CCC) to Carry Out Health Treatment Procedure and/or Emergency Treatment Procedures in the School Setting or any Prince William County Public School (PWCS) Extended Day or Overnight Field Trip," if no medical procedure(s) (i.e., gastronomy tube feeding, suctioning, catherization, etc.) are required during the school day/SACC.
    5. A Health Treatment Procedure or Emergency Treatment Plan as described in Regulation 757-3 is required if a medical or emergency procedure (i.e., gastronomy tube feeding, suctioning, catherization, etc.) is or may be required during the school day/SACC.
    6. This plan serves as a tool to determine the health needs of students as they return to school once diagnosed with cancer.
Click on Required Forms Below
Cancer Care Plan
PWCS Authorization for Medication Administration
Medication Permission Form for Extended Day/Overnight Field Trips